GRAILS: Transaction injection doesn’t work if you declare your methods as closures


Using Grails 1.2.2.

I created a Service and declared some methods like this:

def signUp = { arg1, arg2 ->
    //method body

This is a valid way to declare a method, where you simply assign a closure to class member variable, and it works the same way as a method declared the usual Java way.

To enable transactionsupport in my Service, all I have to do is add this line to the class:

boolean transactional = true

And it should work. The problem is: it didn’t work.


What is wrong with the code above is that methods declared using closures don’t get the transactional behavior injected. I just changed it to this:

def signUp(arg1, arg2){
    //method body here

I could not find anything telling me that the closure declaration shouldn’t work, so I just assumed it would work, since Grails and Groovy developers have implemented some pretty smart default behavior for other features. Also, I was using the closure syntax a lot, because the books and articles I was reading use it a lot.

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